Partners & Networks
Transform 23 was produced by Transform – in partnership with Leeds Playhouse and citywide venues and partners. Supported by LEEDS 2023: Year of Culture. Funded by Paul Hamlyn Foundation and Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.
We are also supported by a variety of other partners who contribute to making our festivals and projects happen.
Festivals of the Future brings together organisations that are small in-scale but bold in ambition to explore and imagine the festival blueprints of tomorrow. The project assembles partners from across Europe to question and interrogate their models, collaborate and exchange. Funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and led by Transform.
Co-Creating Change is a network and programme which explores the role which artists, cultural organisations and communities can play to co-create change together around the UK and beyond.
Live Art UK is a national network, supporting and developing the Live Art infrastructure for the benefit of artists, presenters and audiences. The network is a representative voice for Live Art practices and initiatives in the UK.
Imagining Futures invites some of Europe’s most innovative independent performance festivals to rip up the rule book, spark new connections, support artistic development, explore new models and encourage porous, international dialogue.

Horizon is a vibrant new performance showcase designed to celebrate visionary artists and cultural leaders, currently making performance in England.
Born out of a new approach to build deep and sustainable collaborations, a recent pilot edition offered an exploratory digital programme of presentations and residencies that connected new performance and ideas with international partners.
Horizon has been commissioned by Arts Council England, and delivered by a consortium comprised of Battersea Arts Centre, Dance4, Fierce Festival, GIFT, MAYK and Transform.